Tuesday, May 20, 2014

may 20th 2014 What I leanred today.

So, today I had a therapist appointment. Ya I know, but we went over a good topic today. one that I do have a problem with myself. is feeling "Unloved" or  "Unwanted". Today i learned something important that I think a lot of people should know. You ARE loved. there ARE people that do love you. It could be anyone. your friends, family, your bf/gf, wife/husband etc.... but you are loved. and you should always remember that.  I myself do have people that love me. My friends and my family. the people I talk to and get to know love me and want me around. They want me to excel and be happy. They will do anything to help me to the best of their abilities. and I am truly great full to have every last person.  As for the other feelings that revolve around these emotions, Yeah i may feel like I will ever have the right person in my life just now. but someday that lady will be waiting for me and one day telling me how she really feels about me. I will be here waiting for her. Hell she could be reading this now for all I know.  I maybe 21 almost 22 but I am still young I have time. I know as a person I can accomplish anything and make every single each and every one of you happy and at least smile. that's just who I am and what I love to do. Yes I may have a crappy day were i'm depressed and yeah I may have a day were I will not be wanting to be alive but in the end what does it all come down to? I still have everyone and they still have me and that's all I could ever ask for.

Being "Unloved" or "Unwanted" are emotions we get when we are down and not feeling like we belong, but each person is unique we all have traits or things we do that make us different from someone. It could be multitasking or a great cook or reader or anything! but we are all unique, but don't forget this "Every person may be unique but in reality we are the same. weather it be social stature, wealth, anything we are all the same but with different uniqueness."  People that think they are above us are wrong, they don't know that one single rule i just said. They really don't.

Going to cut this one short I am a bit sleepy and it's like 3 AM which I should be sleeping but oh well. Any who stay happy everyone. there is someone out there for you and remember you are always loved.  and just know. If you can't find anyone. you always have a friend you always have one person you can look to.  If anyone needs to talk Skype-Sorathelight from San Diego. add me lets chit chat become friends.I'll always be here.

Have a great day and week everyone, stay safe and positive, and if your that girl wanting to talk to me do it! I am waiting for you!

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