Friday, June 12, 2015

June 12th Where have I been?

Well it has been a while.

So were have I gone? Well a few answers really. For one my oldest brother Michael passed away on the 2nd of February which took a huge toll on me. Second I had to find a new place to live and one of the places I did not like at all. I did not feel welcome at all. The last reason is just i've been kinda lazy and not really feeling like writing anything.or posting anything while I sort myself out.

There has been a lot going on in my life that has changed me emotionally mentally and physically. And I hope it really it is for the best, it is not fun waking up everyday feeling like i'm having some sort of heart attack and can I say it sucks terribly. I wish it would just go away someday soon.

I recently started playing a new game which is Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn. The expansions early access starts on the 19th so I am really excited for it. I have only been playing FFXIV for about 3 and a half months but I will say I am having a lot of fun with it. The game itself is very polished and the community I have found is pretty nice. There are some harsh players as in any MMO but they are a little toned down from what i've seen before which is another cool thing.

I'll try my best to update more since I should do it some more. I know i've been really behind on updating this  about my life buti 'll keep track this time I do promise.

Untill next time i'll post pictures too
