Saturday, February 22, 2014

I am ready. Are you?

What was the real reason I made this blog? Why do keep typing this right now? Well, i'm doing this to kinda just type down all my feelings and what I do day to day. How I act and the things I just kind of want to rant or talk about. Weather it be gaming, myself in general, or just something random that I might want to share.

This is gonna be a bit short this time around. but the next one I post will be making up for I have some good stuff to show that I found!  but today I am just not really in the mood to do anything right now. I just kinda want to lay in bed, left alone and just kinda lay there. I know it isint the most healthiest thing to do or just something I don't normally do but I just kind of feel that way. Currently as I type this i'm watching Ghost Adventures on the Travel Channel. I got hooked on this show quite badly. I really like it a lot. but that is besids the point haha.

I guess what I wanna get at is that i'm a tad bit lonely. not many people to talk to, can hardly get out of the house it's just miserable. I would really love to get to know more people, build more relationships and just have fun. so I want to extend myself to people out there that want to get to know me for who I am that want to build something cool. if you do please let me know. i would love to get to know all of you or as many as I can. Share my blog, share myself. I want to get around. I want to do something for others. I want to be the person that I will be rememberd for when i'm gone. I don't want to be the person that is just left alone no one will know who i was. i want to be known for something great, something everyone will remember. lets get started guys!
WoW Real ID: Sora#1986
lets start something. I am ready. Are you?

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Feb 20th 2014 About myself and some pictures :D

    So, Today is the 20th of February and I don't have much to do today.Thinking about what I should post on here today so i thought I should talk a little about myself and show some pictures of the games i like to play.

    Well, about myself. my name is Dylan I live in San Diego California and i am 21 years old. I love to play video games, sing, goof around and just be myself. some of the games I love to play are World of Warcraft, Final Fantasy games (any of em) and any kinds of jRPG's to really be exact.
My lovely Holy Paladin On the United States server Zul'jin (Sora#1986 if you want to add me!) Other when i'm not really doing anything i love to listen to music. depending on what i'm feeling like or what mood i'm in. or what I might be doing at that exact time. say if i was in a bad mood i would listen to something to make me laugh or make me feel calm like Jake Shimabakuro-Touch .

  Today what shall I do? I really don't know yet really. Each day I just kinda sit here and wait for my girlfriend to text me telling me she is okay and that I don't have to worry that something happened. but I have not gotten anything yet! getting a bit more worried each day that goes by. but what can I do? She is in another state and her phone is off I guess. Oh well.....

Random picture I found. Looks really cool. I love space and everything about it. the stars, the galaxy's and everything to do with it. Probably gona end this here. tomorrow I might post something maybe not. Monday I probably won't be posting anything due to appointments up the butt but hey I might you may never know. dang therapist appointment being so early.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

February 19th 2014

                So today I wonder to myself, what do I do with my life? Were do I go from here? Who am I as a person? What did I do to deserve all of this terrible problems I’ve been having to deal with for such a long time. I wonder what should I do with myself? Should I just run away? Should I just let it all go and be left alone for the rest of my life? I wonder to myself will I ever find the right person for me. The person that will always be there for me. The person that will be able to call me there own and I can call them my own. I wonder when all the problems that I have will go away? What do I do with everything that is going wrong? How do I handle all of this that’s just coming to me at once.Sometimes i just think to myself what am I saposed to do when this happens or this happened? Sometimes I just feel like I really don't belong. I feel like I just can't handle everything I do. I just feel terrible. I really do.

        I just think to myself. I sit and think for hours. sometimes just minutes or even seconds. sometimes a thought process of one simple idea or just what is going on could take days, weeks, even a month or two just to have my head wrap around what in the world just went on at that specific moment. what do I do exactly? I play video games specifically one in particular. some of you may heard of it its' World of Warcraft My Current Charicter Here . Other times I just read books. I never really get to talk to people about my problems or anything so it's terribly hard to really show how terrible I feel at all. I just cry alone at night feeling alone and just I don't know by myself feeling insecure about me. about who I am just as a person on the inside and outside. 

      Deep down I know I am a good person I know I really am, but it's just so hard to find others that are willing to see me for who I really am, they just see me as a person that they can use just to get whatever they want.... It is not the greatest feeling of them all but I try to not let it happen but somehow it does every single time. ..... At night I love to sit here and listen to quiet music such as Moon's Tears - Theophany

    Well I've been going on for quite a while so I think I will end this here. Probably tomorrow I will add a new post that maybe will be a bit more uplifting and more exciting. but fo now I must log into this World Of Warcraft ( WoW for short) and run some Flexible raids with people I don't even know. I do hope it goes well. 

This is me but to wonder. Yes I am albino.