Monday, July 21, 2014

july 21st 2014 so. just one more thing i forgot

SO. just a little quick thing. Found this in my drawer and this made me really upset *sigh* one day this will be to good use

July 21st 2014 So, what have I been up to?

So, what have I been up to? well nothing to much to say the least. it's been roughly 6-7 months since I last talked to that lady that just kind of disappeared on me and i am handaling that well now. It still hurts to think that she just kind of went poof but hey, her loss right? Maybe one day she will learn what she did wrong and it might just be too late. who knows?  Anywho, what Have I been doing?

Nothing to much to say the least. Playing World of Warcraft and other misc games that i can find that look fun as ever, while trying to stay calm. That has been pretty hard latley with all the family issues and stupid stuff going on but I do hope and pray it gets better. One of the youth leaders that does the uprising at church asked me if i wanted to become a leader for the youth section of it, and at first I thought it was something hard for me to do but, as I thought about it a bit more I wanted to do it because it would give me the opportunity to do what I always wanted to do and that was to help and make people happy and give them encouragement to keep on going with what their dreams are. I have also been looking into starting another blog just for the sole purpose of doing product reviews  and all this cool stuff for gaming companies and review ya know there stuff like headsets, keyboards mice etc... I would love to start on that soon but I don't know were to start from? if any of you know anything about doing that please let me know! @ragebarr twitter on twitter or my (can also ask me questions on there as well. But I would love to get started on the whole product review stuff so if you or anyone knows any way to get started please let me know!

Anywho i'm gona get back to leveling my toons in warcraft while I wait for the expansion to drop. take care  guys and gals and have a wonderful day! I promise I will update more soon!